Please call ahead to the library about donations and drop-offs.
We ask that donations be brought to the library during OPEN hours and brought INSIDE; please do not put in drop box or leave outside.
Thank you for donating material that meet the criteria below. If you have any questions, please contact the library.
Items that are being donated must be: -New or like new condition -NO water/dirt/food/mold stained pages or covers -NO loose or torn pages -Have both front and back covers
For CDs, DVDs, and Audiobooks -Must have intact cases -No scratches or other damage to discs -Please make sure the audio plays clearly (doesn't skip, get stuck, etc.)
If items that are donated meet above criteria, published in 2018 or newer, the Library may pull aside the material to use for its owning collection. For any items that the Library does not use, will be put in the book sale.
Items that we DO NOT accept: -Outdated material -Encyclopedias -Dictionaries/Thesaurus -Textbooks from 2015 or older -VHS Tapes -Cassette tapes -Torn or dirty materials (see above)
Items that we do not take, please consider the local rummage sales, second hand/resale shops or recycling centers